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My other Web Logs

Why so many separate blogs? Read:  BLOG BACK STORY

Confidential Conversation :  My diary style blog. A conversation with myself if you will. Much like a diary. Just my personal thoughts for the day. Something for me to look back on and ponder.

Dollars & SenseRetail therapy for cost conscious folks like myself. I love the challenge of finding a good deal. I gladly share what I find.

Happy Wife, Happy Life  Stories of a newlywed.

Recollection Collection: Reliving random memories from days of old.

The Skinny : "The skinny..." is a relatively recent idiom that means to give the bare facts about something without a lot of unnecessary detail: a concise, detailed report on. No holds barred...An invite only blog, so let me know if you want in.


  1. ahhh, I love the idea of The Skinny! Been wanting to start one of those too!

  2. Thank you Macross Kitty! I have so many ideas but need to find the time to put it together. Maybe you could be my guest writer?! I'm just getting my blogging feet wet again so my posts lately have been basically ramblings. I'm all over the place! I'm looking to focus soon!


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