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Whirlwind Weekend

Who else is recovering from the weekend? Please raise your hand! Or at least share your story.

For us, we did so much that I don't know where to begin!  I apologize in advance if this post is all over the place.  We took care of last minute preparations for our son's 1st birthday party (that would take me a whole day to blog about).  Just recall your child's first and you'll be exhausted.  We even kept things "simple".  Anyway our son enjoyed his day with our friends and family.  We had a great time together.  No kid fights and no injuries added to the perfect afternoon.  Oops, we forgot the ice cream at home. one noticed.  Only now we have a huge tub of Bryer's Neopolitan Ice Cream.

Hubby and I took Friday off from work to honor our sons birth and our first year of parenthood.  We went on a family date and had a nice Italian lunch after going to Church.  Yes, we had wine and dessert, after all we had so much to celebrate.

On Friday evening we had a small celebration at home and had a cake for him. So our guy really had 2 birthday parties.  He  blew his candle out both times with much skill!  No spittle, no burns, no other kids blowing for him.  Success!  I've been to quite a few baby birthday parties that I passed on the cake because I didn't want to eat baby spit.  That was before I was a mom, now it wouldn't bother me.

Saturday was party day.  It was great to spend time with family and friends.  Our son was great and didn't mind being held by friends that he had only met when he was an infant.  No stranger anxiety, no fussing to break free and go back to mom & dad.  No tears.  He was happy the whole time.  After clean up and getting settled at home our guy was too sleepy to open gifts.  We were pretty pooped as well.

Sunday after Church we visited my in laws for a Father's Day brunch.  After returning home, we relaxed and watched our son open his birthday presents.  OK, we had to open them for him - he didn't seem to grasp the concept yet.  He enjoyed playing with his daddy's tripod rather than opening his gifts.  For dinner we went out for hubby's Father's Day celebration.

There ya go.  The condensed version of my whirlwind weekend!


  1. happy *belated* first to your littl guy- sounds like a wonderful and busy weekend!

    I remeber my kiddos firsts- wow- very stressful and why? They will never rember that day... this year I am cutting back on the stress and throwing them a joint birthday (their birthdays are a month apart) no more planning two seperate parties within weeks of one another- too much work- way too much money. Plan on doing this as long as I can get away with it.

    It is funny what changes us once we become moms. Spit covered cake is no longer an issue- bring it on!

  2. @ mommysankey Thank you for the birthday wishes.

    I remember how easy birthday parties were for my folks! Children's Birthday Parties

    It cracks me up that once upon a time I grossed out on things like baby spit. I'm glad you are right there with me on that one.

  3. Busy! Birthday parties are always a busy weekend, aren't they? This weekend we finished our vacation and then had the long 15 hour drive home with our 3 1/2 and 2 year old kids in our little car....
    I think it will take a while for me to unwind from that! LOL. (and unpack, sigh)
    Found you on Bloggy Moms!

  4. @ OneMommy Thank you for stopping by! Whoa! 15 hours in a car with TWO toddlers? You are Super Woman! Let's share a couple of glasses of wine and unwind together!

  5. Wow I know exactly how you feel...sometimes birthday parties coupled in with special celebrations like Father's day or an anniversary or a family get together can take a lot out of you...way to survive the weekend super mom!

  6. @RachelJoy Thank you! Woo hoo! I survived :) I will have more down time this coming weekend, thank goodness for that!

  7. We spent entirely too much money this yep, we are recuperating.

  8. @ Lisa Mom of 2 Boys You're not kidding! Don't EVEN get me started on the $$$ that adds up! In this case it was worth it for our son's big day - but man family life can be expensive! Thanks for sharing!


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