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Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge: Day 16

Day 16: SUCKED

Tonight was TOUGH.  I was struggling just to BREATHE tonight.  I felt like I was trying to breathe through a tiny juice box straw.  I was dripping with sweat though barely moving (I took a couple of "extra" Savasanas). My heart was thumping through my chest (again, even when virtually motionless).  I was tired tonight.   Practice was huge struggle for me. BUT I made it through the entire 90 minute class without leaving the room.  A small success, but success all the same.

I will strive to do better tomorrow.

It was one of my favorite instructor's last day.  I don't like emotional goodbyes so I didn't engage in one.  She was swarmed of course with well wishers.  I sent my wishes telepathically as I tried to catch my final breath to go home from my 14th class.  I still have to make up 2 classes that I skipped.
