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Once Upon a Time in Chicago: Photo Flashback!

I haven't posted anything in ages but wanted to share a photo from long ago! Our Chicago vacation during the Summer of 2005.

Check us out:  Pre-marriage & Pre-parenthood. I had braces & hubby minus the gray hair!

A return visit to Chicago would be FUN!  Anyone have summer trips planned?


  1. Great pic! It's amazing how fast time goes by. Especially with the busy life of being a parent. We don't have any big trips planned this summer, a lot of local ones (including some camping!)

  2. I love going through out old pictures to see how much we have changed. WOW, i really should go find some old pictures of me and my husband pre-marriage and kids for a good laugh.

  3. I also love looking at old photo albums. By albums I mean folders in my computer. I think this generation should start printing out photos again!

  4. Fun pic! I love chicago. My job keeps me maxed in the summer so we always look forward to a fall vacation. This year its the Outer Banks with the family!

  5. Great picture! It is a full time job being a parent & a wife... I love dragging out old pictures. Even though I have seen them all a hundred times it still feels like I am seeing them for the first time.

  6. Nice photo....its always fun to look back at how far we've come =)

  7. Love that photo! So funny you mention Chicago. My step-daughter is graduating there next month, and we are going to take a train in a first class car across the country to get there. We've never done that, and we're going to try it!


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