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April Showers Bring May Flowers

Easter 2013
Hello  April.  On this first day in April it was gloomy and drizzled a bit during my drive to work.  I welcome the new month since March was a rough one this year.  I have been in a bit of a funk for quite a while now. As you may know, I lost my Grandmother very recently and it has affected me quite a bit.   I've been on an emotional roller coaster ever since.  I am taking things day by day.  I have happy thoughts and wonderful blessings.  I also have my sad moments. I'm going with the flow the best that I can...

I'm including our most recent family photo which was taken on Easter Sunday.  I'm blessed.  We are happy, healthy, and have each other.  I keep my spirits up and remind myself that April showers bring May Flowers...

It's so hard having such highs and lows.  High: I'm so proud of my husband for the good things that happen with his job.  Low: I'm saddened by the insensitivity of those at my work place. On the very day that I returned to work from bereavement leave there were "granny" jokes among employees.  Not one person offered their condolences.  Awful.  High: My dear friends have included me in The Top 50 Mom Blogs of 2013.  I'd love your support if you are up to clicking "like" for Life by Cynthia. Low: There have been family misunderstandings. No doubt fueled by the fact that we are all grieving.  I've decided to to take the high road by being gracious even though my inclination was to set things straight on all that was said.  Sometimes silence is best.  In this case, it is.

I have been distracted but keep my sanity by taking walks during my breaks at the office.  I was going to start running instead of walking this week but injured myself after Church on Sunday.  I had a pretty bad spill and can barely walk - let alone run.  I told my husband that God wanted me on my knees praying a while longer (half kidding)...  I was also debating between two challenges this month: 30 Bikram Yoga or The Dailey Method.  Sidelined by injury for now...

I could go on and on but I don't want to dwell on it.  I sincerely thank all of you that have kept me in your thoughts and prayers. It means so much to me.


  1. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. And that injury. It's good that you're able to appreciate the highs despite the lows. Take care.

  2. Pepper Tan Thank you for your kind words. Some days are harder than others, but I'm trying my best to keep my chin up!

  3. I'm so sorry you've had a such a rough time. It's terrible that your coworkers were not supportive. You spend so much time at work, one hopes to have caring relationships there.

    We lost my husband's mom this month so I understand your loss to some extent.

    I hope that you and your family heal quickly and that difficulties create in grief can be worked through lovingly.

  4. gina valley Thank you for your support and understanding. Each day is a little better than the last so I'm on my way.

  5. Feel better soon, Cynthia! Stay happy! :)

  6. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo Thank you! Trying my best - I'm getting better at focusing on the positive!

  7. My condolences ...
    And seems to be a lot of immaturity at your workplace. How sad, I'm so sorry. I will keep you in my prayers, and I hope the lows dwindle, and that the light at the tunnel soon appears.

  8. sorry to hear about your lost. ..
    Congrads on the nominations on VB.

  9. I lost my favorite grandmother when I was young, only 18 - and still - at age 47 - I dream about her at times. I am so sorry for the insensitivity around you, yet also proud of you for taking the high road with your family! You are right, sometimes silence is best! You have a beautiful family and I wish you all the best!! Take care, Lisa

  10. I can't believe that your co-workers are that insensitive. It would be the straw that broke the camels back for me and I would probably find a new job with caring and understanding people. However, at the same time you can't control the actions of others.

    I hope that things get better soon.

  11. The ups and downs of life are hard, but as long as your faith and family are in tact, they are manageable and necessary even. The lows only remind us of how high the highs really are.

    ~ Ferly
    Gifts We Use {to grow, love and serve}


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